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high Resolution WWII Memorial Wall

High Resolution Porcelain Enamel At Any Size

Eclipse Enamel is a division of KVO Industries Inc., a leading manufacturer of high quality exterior sign products. The staff and principals of KVO Industries collectively have over 100 years of experience in the manufacturing of high quality porcelain enamel. We have developed and advanced techniques in this medium that allow us to produce stunning high resolution graphics that last a lifetime in any environment.


Consider The Possibilities

Traditional memorial building materials like granite, marble and bronze are beautiful and have been used for memorials for centuries, and for good reason. Consider combining these traditional materials with full color photography, detailed fine type, colorful time lines and other graphic elements. The results are stunning memorials that set you apart from the competition. Porcelain enamel graphics allow memorial builders to integrate historic photography, military emblems and flags, corporate logos, works of art or any graphic imaginable.


High Impact Graphics That Are Cost Effective

Porcelain enamel doesn't only add an exciting graphic dimension to memorial projects, it can also be more cost effective than traditional methods. Porcelain Enamel graphic panels are relatively light compared to stone products and printing text is more cost effective than carving or etching stone or marble. Furthermore, the possiblitites for printing graphics on porcelain is limited only by one’s imagination.






Eclipse may be a new name in the memorial industry, but our parent company has been manufacturing high resolution porcelain enamel for over a decade. visit kvo